Conditions Treated
At Acacia Acupuncture, we have many years of experience treating patients with various chronic and acute orthopedic and sports injuries such as:
Neck and Back
Sacral Pain
Upper Back Pain
Lower Back Pain
Foot and Ankle:
Plantar Fasciitis
Sprains and Strains
Achilles Tendonitis
Morton's Neuroma
Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome
Lower Leg and Knee
Knee Pain
Calf Strain
Shin Splints
Plica Syndrome
Arthritis and Bursitis of Knee
Thigh and Hip
Shin Splints
Groin Strain
Pulled Hamstring
Arthritis, Bursitis of Hip
Quadriceps (Quad) Strain
Iliotibial (IT) Band Syndrome
Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction
Finger, Hand, Wrist
Trigger Finger
Carpal Tunnel
Ganglion Cysts
De Quervain Syndrome
Joint Sprains and Strains
Dupuytren's Contracture
Arm and Shoulder
Tennis Elbow
Golfer's Elbow
Rotator Cuff Tear
Rotator Cuff Bursitis
Labral Tear of Shoulder
Cubital Tunnel Syndrome
Adhesive Capsulitis (Frozen Shoulder)
Acromioclavicular (AC) Joint Inflammation
Head and Face
Headaches, Migraines
Trigeminal Neuralgia
Post Extraction Pain
Bell's Palsy
Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine treats more than just pain
In addition to treating painful musculoskeletal problems, a variety of other health issues respond well to East Asian Medicine healing modalities, including:
Wound Healing Acceleration
Persistent Hiccough
Anxiety and Stress
As with any medical therapy, results vary by both the patient and the practitioner.
At Acacia Acupuncture, we are known for addressing the underlying causes of your condition so you can return to a state of optimum health and wellness.
Please call us if you are curious about what we can do to help you.